Eco Laser and Inserts: a Powerful Tool to Clear and Charge Your Tools and Crystals

eco laser b Eco Laser and Inserts: a Powerful Tool to Clear and Charge Your Tools and Crystals Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

What is the Eco Laser?

The ECO laser offers an extremely fast, powerful, and easy way to energetically Clear, Charge, and Balance any material with beneficial vibrations.

This is a vibrational tool made especially for the Vesica Institute by the Dimensional Design company. It is the primary tool which we use to keep our stones and crystals clear at the Vesica Institute; literally nothing is faster or easier for this purpose.

This is not an ordinary soft laser (laser pointer); its laser diode has been cleaned and permanently imprinted to project out through the green laser light strong beneficial vibrations of the Center and of all 12 Beneficial (Horizontal) Bands in the Vibrational Spectrum. It is highly penetrating, and highly effective, clearing in just a moment things which normally take a long time to clear.

Clearing with the Eco-Laser not only clears the Crystal very quickly, it also charges the Crystal with a full spectrum of beneficial energies (the “12 Horizontal Bands” of Vibrational Radiesthesia) and the Centering Vibration.

144 Horizontal and Vertical Laser Insert​

The Laser is even more effective in clearing toxic energies when a special insert is added to the front of the Laser; this insert is called the 144 Detrimental (“Vertical”) Waves Antidote, which antidotes and clears a complete spectrum of detrimental energies. That insert comes as a pair, with the other insert having the collected vibrations of the beneficial Bands of the 144 Vibrational Spectrum.

The 144 Horizontal and Vertical Laser Insert tubes are specially made for the Vesica Institute, and are not currently available from any other source.

eco laser crystal Eco Laser and Inserts: a Powerful Tool to Clear and Charge Your Tools and Crystals Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

How to use the Eco Laser

The easiest method to keep the corrective items clear is through shining the beam of the Eco-Laser (with the 144 Vertical Wave Antidote insert in it if you have one, otherwise just use the straight Eco-Laser beam) on it for 7 seconds or more. For fine to precision, use the methods learned in the Vibrational Testing and Healings Series to test your correction.

The ECO laser comes with 5 interchangeable Tips for different clearing applications; these are included with the laser, unlike the Optional Inserts which are available separately. Each of the included Tips can screw on to the end of the laser, to give the laser beam different geometric forms. The Tips are in the forms of: Circle, Cross, Straight Line, Directional Pointer, and Point in the Center of a Circle.

Optional Inserts are available to add additional desirable vibrations to the laser beam.

See our other inserts...

*Please note: Any laser tips prior to 2016 will not fit into the new model of the Eco Laser. You will need to purchase new tips.
protection insert Eco Laser and Inserts: a Powerful Tool to Clear and Charge Your Tools and Crystals Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

Protection Insert

An insert developed by Dimensional Design for experimental use against strong non-physical detrimental forces
light intensity eco laser insert Eco Laser and Inserts: a Powerful Tool to Clear and Charge Your Tools and Crystals Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

Light Intensity Insert

The LIGHT Intensity insert tube is imprinted with a transformative higher harmonic frequency program.
silver protection laser insert

Silver Insert

Vibrational pattern of the metal Silver, for experimental use against pathogens as well as detrimental non-physical forces

GeoResonator Insert

To help balance environmental areas the laser can be directed onto soil, plants, trees, water, gardens, etc.
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Regen Insert

Combines the “Clear and Restore” pattern to clear detrimental information from an energy field and restore the original vibrational pattern, with the “Vital Cell” pattern to experimentally resonate beneficially with the Cell Membrane and Nucleus
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Clear & Restore Insert

The Clear & Restore insert tube for the Eco Laser is an excellent pattern to support and speed up the energy balancing process.

For more practical uses on the Eco Laser and it's inserts, see the online courses below..


Vibrational Testing and Healing Series

European Vibrational Radiesthesia
& Modern Research

Crystal Class 2020 Avatar 500px 2 Eco Laser and Inserts: a Powerful Tool to Clear and Charge Your Tools and Crystals Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

Minerals & Crystals for Times of Stress

Creating Vibrational Health,
Stability & Empowerment