Public Resource Page for New Gaia TV Series

Sacred Geometry: Spiritual Science

with Robert J. Gilbert Ph.D.,
Founder of the Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

sacred geomtery title card gaia Public Resource Page for New Gaia TV Series Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Gilbert’s new series on the Gaia streaming network entitled Sacred Geometry: Spiritual Science is now launching!

Dr. Gilbert spent over a year of intensive work in crafting this series, which includes profound aspects of both Sacred Geometry and Spiritual Science which were previously unavailable to the public. 


  • Listing of each episode with its scheduled debut date on the Gaia channel.
  • Description of each episode.
  • Information on further essential Resources for each Episode, to expand your knowledge and practices further.


Dr. Gilbert created 10 episodes for this series, each of which builds on the episode before.

These 10 episodes were then divided by Gaia into the main information part of each episode, and then one (or more) practices for each episode.

NOTE: Gaia then renumbered the series so that each part (information or practices) from any episode then became a separate numbered episode. So episode number 1 became episode 1 (with key info) and episode 2 (with the experiential practice that goes with episode 1).

Please bear in mind that some aspects of the series, particularly some graphics, may differ from Dr. Gilbert’s original vision.

This series includes many essential practices, including the “GOLD practice” which is a simplified version of creating a key Sacred Geometric pattern in the human energy field.

This pattern, as described and taught in this series, can profoundly transform a person’s spiritual destiny.


If you would like many more free resources, including the complete original scripts for each episode of this Sacred Geometry series, you can access everything on our Members-Only Resource Page just by providing us with your email in the box at the bottom of this page!  You will then be added to our newsletter list, and will receive an email that provides ongoing access for you to our Members-Only Resource Page.

Please note: Dr. Gilbert personally scripted, presented, and created a complete visual storyboard for every episode in this series.
However he was not involved in editing or most graphics production for this series.
Please bear in mind that some aspects of the series, particularly some graphics, may differ from Dr. Gilbert’s original vision.

Subscribe to all of the programming on the Gaia channel, including ongoing access to Dr. Gilbert's interviews and Sacred Geometry series on Gaia.
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Images for each Episode Summary below are copyright Gaia 2022 and are used with permission.
Images for Additional Resources for each episode are copyright The Vesica Institute 2022.

Episode 1 – The Masters of the Net

Date of debut on Gaia streaming network: Monday, July 18th 2022

In this Episode:

sacred geometry masters of the net Public Resource Page for New Gaia TV Series Vesica Institute for Holistic StudiesOur debut episode explores the real meaning of “Sacred Geometry” and reveals the hidden lineage of Sacred Geometry Initiates from Ancient Egypt, who were known as the “Masters of the Net”. 

We learn that the Net is the invisible matrix of energy behind all of physical creation, which the ancient Egyptian Initiates learned how to directly perceive and to practically apply. 

We reveal the real-life “Djed-I” Master from ancient Egypt (which gave rise to the “Jedi” Knight concept in Star Wars) and the hidden Sacred Geometric energy grid of the Earth itself.

Additional Resources for this Episode:

* To learn powerful, practical applications of the Ancient Egyptian knowledge of the Net and Sacred Geometry, take our life-changing online trainings in BioGeometry® created by Dr. Ibrahim Karim from Cairo. 

This training will teach you to detect and apply the hidden energy fields created by geometric shapes as well as colors, sounds, numbers, angles and much more.

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Start with the Foundation Training, registration is now open for our next online offering!

Then after completing the Foundation Training, take the BioGeometry Advanced Training which teaches multi-dimensional energetic testing and applications (including a direct method of using the NET to energetically clear any person, place, or thing.)

We will be exploring BioGeometry in more detail in the final episode of this Sacred Geometry series on Gaia!

* You will find the full text for this episode posted on our Members-Only Resource Page, as part of the original Episode 1 Script.

Sign up for our Newsletter, to receive FREE access to our Members-Only Resource Page!

Episode 2 – GOLD Triangle Practice (for the Masters of the Net episode)

Date of debut on Gaia streaming network: Monday, July 18th 2022

In this Episode:

This episode teaches step-by step the first part of our constructing the complete Geometry of Life Design (GOLD) pattern in our energy field.  This powerful practice can profoundly activate our consciousness and energy, and can even transform our Spiritual Destiny. 

The keys to this essential energy activation pattern are found in Ancient Egyptian, Essene, Jewish Kabbalistic, and early Christian sources.

In this first part of the GOLD practice taught in this series, we construct the Golden Triangle around our head.

This initial practice transforms our consciousness through this simple — yet very powerful — Sacred Geometry form which becomes the stable container for the Divine Golden Light. 

gold triangle practice gaia Public Resource Page for New Gaia TV Series Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies
divine golden light gaia Public Resource Page for New Gaia TV Series Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

The next stages of creating the complete Sacred Geometry GOLD form in our energy field are taught in later episodes of this series.

Additional Resources for this Episode:

* How to Use Crystals & Gemstones online class 

One part of this How to Use Crystals and Gemstones class includes an overview of essential background on the GOLD pattern through the “Tree of Life” and “Symbol of Life” traditions.

You will then learn how to greatly accelerate the construction and crystallization of this very important energy pattern in your energy field, through correct use of a Vogel Crystal (or you could use any double-terminated crystal, although it is not as powerful as true Master-Cut Vogel Crystal).

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* You will find the full text for this episode’s practice posted on our Members-Only Resource Page, as part of the original Episode 1 Script.

Sign up for our Newsletter, to receive FREE access to our Members-Only Resource Page!

Episode 3 – Four Secrets of Sacred Geometry

Date of debut on Gaia streaming network: Monday, July 18th 2022

In this Episode:

four secrets of sacred geometry gaia Public Resource Page for New Gaia TV Series Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

We reveal 4 major secrets of Sacred Geometry, which are rarely discussed publicly. 

These are the Master Keys to what makes Geometric Patterns of Power truly “Sacred”, and how they can be the foundation of profound spiritual initiation and permanent inner personal transformation.

This exploration will lead us into the highest sources of inspiration and spiritual visions, and into the many levels of our multi-dimensional world.

Secret 1:  The True Origin & Power of Sacred Geometry Patterns: Divine “Packed Thoughtforms”.

Secret 2:  Hidden Initiation Methods for Human Beings to Perceive, Create and Send Sacred Geometry Packed Thoughtforms.

Secret 3:  Sacred Geometry Patterns which Control the Human Energy Field.

Secret 4:  Powerful Methods to Activate the Human Energy System with Sacred Geometry.

Additional Resources for this Episode:


*  For deep practical training in accessing Higher Realities, begin your journey through the Vesica online Spiritual Science Courses with our Essential Teachings and Practices of Spiritual Science online training.

This training simplifies many absolutely essential methods of real, lasting, deeply transformative Spiritual Development. 

This includes learning the two absolutely essential forms of Meditation (most spiritual groups today are handicapped by only practicing ONE of the two essential types, when both are necessary for full inner development). 

You will also learn a huge range of important secrets and practices, from the 3 types of Energy Field Activations to the 6 Essential Spiritual Exercises of the European Rosicrucian Tradition.

Then take the second online training in the Spiritual Science course series, Connecting to Spiritual Realities.

This training is packed with hard-to-find information and techniques, including keys which cannot be found in any other public source.  

CSB 220 1 1 Public Resource Page for New Gaia TV Series Vesica Institute for Holistic StudiesThis online course teaches extremely rare and advanced methods of activating the Energy Centers above the human head so that we can consciously connect to different types of Spiritual Beings.

You will also learn how to practically apply an essential Sacred Geometry form to balance & anchor your activated higher centers to the centers below the human body — a tremendously important practice which has tragically been almost forgotten today. 

* You will find the full text for this episode posted on our Members-Only Resource Page, as part of the original Episode 2 Script.

Sign up for our Newsletter, to receive FREE access to our Members-Only Resource Page!

Episode 4 – Cubical Cross Mind Activation Practice
(for the Four Secrets of Sacred Geometry episode).

Date of debut on Gaia streaming network: Monday, July 18th 2022

cubic cross head gaia Public Resource Page for New Gaia TV Series Vesica Institute for Holistic StudiesIn Episode 3 we explored four major secrets of Sacred Geometry. 

Those secrets prepared you now in Episode 4 to learn a very powerful — and absolutely ESSENTIAL — method which can activate any energy center in your body or energy field

You’ll learn in this episode how to apply this method to activate the most important energy center in the human head, using the key Sacred Geometry form which creates the entire Physical Plane. 

Additional Resources for this Episode: 

See the additional resources listed under Episode 3, above.

Episode 5 – Awakening the Grail Chalice

Date of debut on Gaia streaming network: Monday, July 25th 2022

In this Episode:

(Image above copyright 2022 The Vesica Institute)

Note: Episodes 5, 6, and 7 were originally combined and were numbered as Episode 3. See the full original Episode 3 script now posted on our Members-Only Resource Page, which contains the full text for the episodes currently numbered on Gaia as Episodes 5 (Teachings) and 6 (Energy Sphere Practice) and 7 (Torus Energy Activation Practice).

Torus energy practice Public Resource Page for New Gaia TV Series Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

We explore the power and practical application of one of the first “Letters of the Divine Alphabet” of Sacred Geometry: the Torus.

Whereas the Sphere is the primordial container of all Life, the Torus is the geometric transformation of the Sphere to become an active energy circulation, distribution, and harmonizing pattern.

The Torus is a key pattern for activating and dynamically circulating Life Energy throughout all of Creation.

Spiritually the Torus is the foundation for the true living Grail Cup in the Human Energy Field, which is the key to how we as human beings can absorb both Earthly and Divine energies in order to alchemically transform ourselves to new heights of spiritual activation.

This episode shows how the powerful Torus pattern works in all types of natural systems, setting the stage for the experiential practices in Episode 6 (Energy Sphere Practice) and 7 (Torus Energy Activation Practice).

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Additional Resources for this Episode:

* For a life-changing training in practical applications of the Divine Energy in the Center of the Sphere and in the Torus, take the online BioGeometry Foundation Training where you will learn all the most essential methods to transform the energy qualities in any person, place, or thing.

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Then after completing the Foundation Training, take the BioGeometry Advanced Training where we enter into profound multi-dimensional energy healing applications, which uses the Torus as the key form for advanced space and time methods.
By the end of the Advanced Training you will practically apply the Torus dynamics to harmonize and energy balance the human brain hemispheres and any location.

torus movement Public Resource Page for New Gaia TV Series Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

(Image above Copyright 2022 by BioGeometry Energy Systems)

Episode 6 – Healing Energy Sphere Practice
(for the Awakening the Grail Chalice episode)

Date of debut on Gaia streaming network: Monday, July 25th 2022

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The explorations of the Sphere as the Primordial Container for Life in Episode 5, now leads in Episode 6 to learning a classical energy healing technique.

In the simplified version of the ancient method taught in this episode, you will create a Sphere of energy between your hands, then fill it with a specific vibration to be held within the Sphere. This Sphere can then be absorbed into your own body, or it can be projected to another person (or any other living being) for healing and/or activating their consciousness & energy.

Additional Resources for this Episode:

In deeper levels of this practice to create Sacred Geometry forms and fill them with vibrational healing powers, we learn to perceive and practically apply the multiple different types of dynamic Life Energy, known classically as the “Four Ethers”.

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These Four Ethers work with Sacred Geometric Form, Color, and Divine Vibrations for advanced healing and activation methods.

There are almost no public resources today to experience and learn to apply the European Rosicrucian knowledge of these Four Ethers. Dr.

Gilbert has taught the essentials of working with (and directly experiencing) these Ethers only once, in a special seminar in Toronto Canada in 2015.

This seminar was filmed and is now available as our online training entitled Uniting Spiritual & Vibrational Practices.

This online training also includes rare information and an experiential practice regarding the hidden “Fifth Ether”, one of the great secrets of the European Rosicrucians.

It also contains a wide range of other powerful topics and practices, including exercises with the Pillar of Light and Breathing Light, the Rosicrucian “Dissolving” practice to reveal the spiritual layers hidden inside of physical Beings and Objects, and more!

Episode 7 – Torus Energy Activation Practice
(for the Awakening the Grail Chalice episode)

Date of debut on Gaia streaming network: Monday, July 25th 2022

In this Episode:

You will learn how to activate the powerful Torus “Grail Cup” energy field.

This creates a powerful protective energy field around the body, which is used in previously hidden teachings around the world such as in Chinese Medical Chi Kung, Himalayan Tantric Methods, and many more.

In the rare cases this exercise is taught publicly, often only one direction of activation and circulation is taught.

In this episode you will learn all 3 essential Torus Activation practices in a simplified form.

This is:

  1. The Earthly Flow of energy arising into us from below and then rising above.

  2. The Heavenly Flow of Divine energy descending down our Central Column and down into the Earth.

  3. The very little-known (yet incredibly important) Combined Flow.

This rare Combined Flow activates both directions of flow at once, creating a powerful “Gating” or “Energy Portal” effect for higher dimensional energies to enter into us when the two opposite flows merge together alchemically in our energy field.

This effect is similar to what is today often referred to as “Scalar” energy, but in a much more spiritual context of turning our energy field into a Grail Cup to receive the Divine Essence.

This effect is also based on the same principle as advanced Tantric practices, of creating ecstatic states based on the union of opposite Yin and Yang, Male and Female Polarities.

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Additional Resources for this Episode:

See the BioGeometry Trainings described above for Episode 5, where the Torus becomes the key to multi-dimensional navigation and an essential form for balancing the human brain hemispheres and the energy of any location!

torus movement 2 Public Resource Page for New Gaia TV Series Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

(Image above Copyright 2022 by BioGeometry Energy Systems)

Episode 8 – The 5 Elements of Power
Date of debut on Gaia: Monday, August 1
Description and Further Resources Coming Soon

Episode 9 – Platonic Solids Brain Activation / Inner Vision Practice (for the 5 Elements of Power episode)
Date of debut on Gaia: Monday, August 1
Description and Further Resources Coming Soon

Episode 10 – Vesica and the Tree of Life
Date of debut on Gaia: Monday, August 8
Description and Further Resources Coming Soon

Episode 11 – GOLD Heart Matrix Practice (for the Vesica and the Tree of Life episode)
Date of debut on Gaia: Monday, August 8
Description and Further Resources Coming Soon

Episode 12 – Merkaba and the Black Cube
Date of debut on Gaia: Monday, August 15
Description and Further Resources Coming Soon

Episode 13 – Egyptian Radiant Star Practice (for the Merkaba and the Black Cube episode)
Date of debut on Gaia: Monday, August 15
Description and Further Resources Coming Soon

Episode 14 – The Secret Code of Creation
Date of debut on Gaia: Monday, August 22
Description and Further Resources Coming Soon

Episode 15 – GOLD Completion Practice (for the Secret Code of Creation episode)
Date of debut on Gaia: Monday, August 22
Description and Further Resources Coming Soon

Episode 16 – Vibrational Secrets Revealed

Date of debut on Gaia streaming network: Monday, August 29th 2022

In this episode:

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We reveal the powerful hidden energy science behind Sacred Geometry, which gives Geometric forms their true power.
This energy science opens up a vast world of powerful practical applications of Sacred Geometry!

Three key fields of Sacred Geometry energy science are explored in this episode:

1.CYMATICS, the science of how waves create all manifestation on the physical plane. It is these invisible waves which literally create all Sacred Geometry forms; as soon as you change the vibration of the wave, you change the Sacred Geometry pattern appearing on the physical plane.

Cymatics literally makes the “invisible visible”, so that you can actually physically see the precise sacred geometry pattern created by invisible energy waves.

We show in this episode the beginnings of the field of Cymatics, and the latest breakthroughs from the leader in the field of Cymatics imaging today. This is John Stuart Reid, who can now take Cymatics sound wave images in 4K resolution.

healthy cell vs cancer cell Public Resource Page for New Gaia TV Series Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

John has even imaged the vibrational pattern differences between a healthy human cell and a cancerous cell, opening up the potential for a powerful new type of medical imaging.

2.CYMATHERAPY, which practically applies Cymatic sound wave vibrational codes to restore the core frequency / vibrational pattern within hundreds of different physical body systems and energetic processes.

Originally developed for clinical use by British Osteopath Dr. Peter Guy Manners (who lived to be well over a hundred years old in excellent health, through his own use of these healing methods), Cymatherapy techniques and devices have now been thoroughly updated by Mandara Cromwell in the United States.

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Cymatherapy devices originally required visiting specialized clinics to receive this breakthrough therapy. Mandara has created the first public Cymatherapy devices, making this incredible healing technology now available to everyone for daily home use.

Among the discoveries and methods of Cymatherapy discussed in this episode:

*The “Secret of Five”: One sound frequency is not sufficient to restore the multi- level vibration pattern of a healthy body part. Over decades of clinical research, Dr. Manners discovered that full restoration of internal core frequencies requires a precise combination of 5 sound vibrations, into a precise sound code he called a “commutation”.

*Tissue Transmission of Healing Vibrations: it is not enough to simply hear these complex sound codes. Dr. Manners discovered that their vibrations must be driven directly into the tissues and fluid matrix of the body through direct contact with a vibrating Transducer, to fully restore the core frequencies needed for optimal functioning of internal organs and biological systems.

There has been a major new development in home Cymatherapy technology since we recorded this episode! See the “Further Resources” section below for more info.

3.VIBRATIONAL RADIESTHESIA, which allows us to directly detect and apply the subtle biological wave energies which cannot be picked up by standard Electro-Magnetic meters.
Vibrational Radiesthesia is the only method in the world which is able to detect, differentiate, analyze and practically apply the full multi- dimensional subtle energy information of the UNIVERSAL VIBRATIONAL SPECTRUM which we introduce in this episode.

universal vibrational sectrum new logoThe energy patterns behind Sacred Geometry are not restricted to simple electro- magnetic waves, they include the more subtle energies connected with living beings. These biological energies behind human health were the focus of most healing systems around the world throughout human history, with names given to these powerful life forces in different traditions including “Chi” in China, “Ki” in Japan, “Prana” in India, and “Ether” in Greece. Today Allopathic Medicine focuses only on the Physical Body and a small range of Electro-Magnetic testing methods (such as MRI) and forbids any discussion of these subtle biological life force energies whatsoever.

To understand any phenomena we must know the full spectrum of how it can create different effects in the world, i.e. its full range of powers and applications. In this episode we discuss how all of our modern technology is based on our “Cracking the Code” of the two lowest levels of Creation: The Electro-Magnetic Spectrum and the Physical Matter Spectrum (which today we call the Periodic Table of Elements).

We then reveal a key hidden secret of vibrational powers: that for matter to become animated, alive, it must be permeated with the dynamic energy from the biological life force level.

This is the Vitality level above the Physical “Periodic Table” level of Matter. When this life force animates and regenerates living beings, it gets used up and slows down to slower than the speed of light.

It is this decayed, disintegrating life energy which we call the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum, or as Nikola Tesla called them, “retarded Hertzian Waves”.
Only in this decayed, slower than light form of the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum (better termed the Spectrum of Decaying Radiations) can these energies be picked up by gross physical Electro-Magnetic meters (which cannot detect true Biological Life Energies of a far more subtle nature).

Today our Planet is being quickly destroyed by the misuse of these first two spectrums, through toxic Radiations (nuclear, EMF) and physical substances (Chemical Pollution). Our modern technology based on these two spectrums ignores their effects on living beings.
The only way to transform this road to destruction being created by modern science, is to add in the missing Spectrum of Biological Life Forces which is the next level ABOVE the Physical and EM Spectrums.

This episode then presents the incredible discoveries of the great French Radiesthesia researchers of the early 1900’s, when they were able to identify the entire “Universal Vibrational Spectrum”: the complete Spectrum of vital life powers which provide life and healing, and those which create death and destruction.

personal wavelengthWe end the episode with a brief introduction to the vitally important science of detecting these invisible vibrations from the Universal Vibrational Spectrum, which are inside of us and all around us; these biologically active vibrations are a hidden source of our thoughts, feelings, energy, and of our diseases or health states.
This is the science of Vibrational Radiesthesia, the detection of subtle radiations which affect all life functions.

The Vesica Institute has spent decades developing trainings which allow anyone to learn (and to apply for powerful benefits in your own life) this incredible ability to detect the invisible vibrations inside and all around us.
These trainings teach the methods of French Radiesthesia (with online courses created by Dr. Robert J. Gilbert and available through ) and of modern BioGeometry® (created by Dr. Ibrahim Karim from Cairo Egypt and taught by Dr. Gilbert under license from Dr. Karim).
BioGeometry is the focus of our next episode in this series, showing how this remarkable energy science is the practical foundation for humanity creating a “New Golden Age”.

See our next section below on Additional Resources for this episode, for more information on all of the above topics!

Additional Resources for this Episode:


See our free article on the foundations of Cymatics HERE.

For the incredible Cymatics imaging work of John Stuart Reid, check out his website His inexpensive CymaScope App can take in any sounds (tones, music, human voice, etc.) and show you their actual Cymatic geometric pattern; it is available for use on Apple and Android smartphones and tablets.

Cymascope Music Made Visible App

In this episode we show John’s discovery of the Vibrational Pattern of the Sun itself, which he calls the “Song of the Sun” image.

cymatics song of the sun poster Public Resource Page for New Gaia TV Series Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

To order this incredible image as a Poster or as Cards (which also supports John’s ongoing research), and for a brief introduction to creating a powerful Crystal Grid using this Sun Cymatics image poster, see our article HERE.

crystal grid song of the sun Public Resource Page for New Gaia TV Series Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

For full detailed info and instructions for multiple methods of using the “Song of the Sun” Cymatics image to create an optimal Crystal Grid, see our online course MINERALS & CRYSTALS FOR TIMES OF STRESS


We have personally used and greatly benefited from the very first public Cymatherapy device, the AMI 750, for the last several years.

You can read our original report and review on the precise Cymatherapy sound codes and functions used in the original AMI 750 HERE.

Mandara Cromwell has now further developed the technology with a new device out now, which will replace the AMI750.

Cyma Technologies 500 high res Public Resource Page for New Gaia TV Series Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

The AMI 850 (which doubles the number of sound code channels previously available on the AMI 750, to now have 20 channels each containing over a dozen precise sound codes delivered sequentially in the channel for specific functional systems of the body) in an extremely easy- to-use format which only requires placing your feet on the device and pushing a button in order to operate!

We have just posted an info page on these two new Cymatherapy devices, which includes an order link to reserve one or both units for home delivery when a limited number become available to the public in November!


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Dr. Robert J. Gilbert created our Vesica online courses in Vibrational Radiesthesia, the ONLY online courses available to learn the original French methods to detect and apply the full range of biologically active subtle vibrations!

This is a series of three courses which are known collectively as the VIBRATIONAL TESTING & HEALING SERIES. You can take these courses either one at a time, or sign up for all three courses for a large discount.

The first course in the series is the PERSONAL WAVELENGTH training , which teaches you to personally apply the precise methods of French “Medical Radiesthesia” used by thousands of medical doctors in Europe prior to World War Two (please note that we don’t make any medical claims for this work, and offer it for information and personal exploration only.).

This Personal Wavelength technique goes far beyond current methods like educational kinesiology (muscle testing) to be able to detect the specific location and intensity level of energetic disturbances anywhere in the human body or energy field, and exactly what is needed to balance the disturbance!
universal vibrational sectrum new logoThis course is now available in its entirety, for immediate access.

The second course in the series is the UNIVERSAL VIBRATIONAL SPECTRUM training, which takes much further what you learned in this Gaia episode! You will learn how to:

* Detect every one of the Bands in the Universal Vibrational Spectrum,

* Differentiate the harmful from the beneficial aspects of each Band,

* Directly experience how each Vibrational Band brings specific Divine powers into action to manifest all energetic functions,

* and Learn the specific powers of each Band at the Physical, Energetic, Emotional-Mental, and Spiritual levels (this is the only training in the world which contains this information!)
This course is now available in its entirety, for immediate access.

custom-vibrational-healingThe third course in the series is CUSTOM VIBRATIONAL HEALING, which teaches you to combine the skills you learned in the first two courses in order to create your own custom vibrational formulas for every aspect of healing or self-development. These custom formulas can combine together properly ANY vibrational sources, such as geometric forms, essential oils, herbs, minerals, and more!
(Note that many modern formulas, such as those used in popular supplements, combine together ingredients which neutralize or weaken each other because the people making the formulas don’t know how to directly test the energetic conflicts of the components when used together!)
The Custom Vibrational Healing online course has the first half of the course now available online, with the final lessons in the course coming soon.

Note: the material in these Vesica Institute Radiesthesia courses is a combination of the rare French discoveries and methods, combined with our own original research at the Vesica Institute. This content is different from what is in the BioGeometry trainings we offer which is based on the original work of Dr. Ibrahim Karim from Cairo, which is the focus of the next episode in this Sacred Geometry series, Episode 17!

The content of these Vibrational Radiesthesia courses integrates beautifully with the BioGeometry information and techniques, as they focus on different aspects of the complete system. Our Vibrational Radiesthesia courses focus on learning the details of French Medical Radiesthesia and the individualized powers of the Bands of the Vibrational Spectrum, whereas BioGeometry training will teach you the amazing original discoveries of Dr. Karim to practically apply the universal balancing and harmonizing energy of the Center, the “BG3”.

Episode 17 – BioGeometry: Creating the New Golden Age

Date of debut on Gaia streaming network: Monday, September 5th 2022

In this episode:

back to a future for mankind karim Public Resource Page for New Gaia TV Series Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

This episode is the culmination of the entire series, showing how the lost ancient knowledge of the true Energy Science behind Sacred Geometry has reappeared today in BioGeometry.

Our first episode in this series showed the existence of an advanced Sacred Geometry Energy Science in Ancient Egypt, giving rise to powerful Initiates such as the true “Djed-I” described in the Westcar Papyrus.
Now in this final episode of the series we come full circle, learning how the rebirth of this knowledge in modern BioGeometry can fulfill the great goal of the ancient traditions: the creation of a new “Golden Age”.

(Note: this BioGeometry episode is the true intended final episode of the series; however Gaia chose to change the sequence of the release of the episodes so that the “Sacred Geometry of Relationships” episode became the final one they are posting on their site.)

This goal of a new “Golden Age” can literally be accomplished through BioGeometry methods. Practical trainings in BioGeometry, which are open to the public, teach how to apply the universal harmonizing power which is called the “BG3” and which has as its hallmark the “Higher Harmonic of Gold”.

The Higher Harmonic of Gold literally transforms lower level energy fields into a Golden energy field, which is the same Golden energy depicted in spiritual traditions around the world as radiating from the head and body of the world’s most advanced Spiritual Initiates.

ibrahim karim Public Resource Page for New Gaia TV Series Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

In this episode you will learn how BioGeometry was created in modern times by the great Egyptian natural scientist Dr. Ibrahim Karim, and how its techniques have created effects which seem miraculous: such as the ability to grow crops in salt water, to put living organisms into a state of suspended animation through a simple geometric form, to overcome Electro-Magnetic Pollution issues for entire cities, and other successful projects detailed in this episode.

We are grateful to BioGeometry founder Dr. Karim for his support of this episode, and for his mentorship of Vesica Institute founder Dr. Gilbert for over 20 years in the secrets of BioGeometry. We are honored to be able to share this powerful esoteric science with the world.

Additional Resources for this Episode:


biogeometry avatar Public Resource Page for New Gaia TV Series Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

Dr. Gilbert, the creator of the Sacred Geometry series and founder of the Vesica Institute, offers life-changing online trainings in BioGeometry through special arrangement with Dr. Karim.

Soon, Dr. Gilbert will be teaching the first course in the BioGeometry training series, the BG Foundation Training! There are still a few seats remaining in this online course, which can be taken by anyone, anywhere in the world with internet access.

This is your opportunity to learn this amazing energy science directly from Dr. Gilbert, your host for this Sacred Geometry series!
For full info on this powerful training and to register (while space remaining) please go HERE.

After you complete the BioGeometry Foundation Training, you are eligible to attend the next level which is the online BioGeometry Advanced Training
In this course you will learn very advanced techniques which include multi-dimensional energetic testing and applications (including a direct method of using the NET, which we described in Episode 1 of the Sacred Geometry TV series, to energetically clear any person, place, or thing!)

For those who complete the BG Advanced Training, you are then eligible to request admission into the BioGeometry Practitioner Program (which trains you to offer BioGeometry services commercially to transform the energetics of Homes and Offices) and to attend the upcoming special event to be taught online directly by Dr. Karim in 2023: the “Inner School of BioGeometry” training, with attendance restricted to those who have completed the BG Advanced Training by that time. This will be a one-time event, so be sure to have completed your Foundation and Advanced trainings with Dr. Gilbert as soon as possible, to become eligible to attend this rare event and learn previously hidden secrets directly from BioGeometry Founder Dr. Karim himself! (Note: all of these trainings are in the English language).


biogeometry bg home kit 2022 Public Resource Page for New Gaia TV Series Vesica Institute for Holistic StudiesA very limited number of public level Energy Balancing Tools for use on the Human Body (such as the BioGeometry Medallion or individual BioSignature Pendants) or to benefit the energy of homes and offices (most importantly the BG Home Kit) are imported directly from Egypt by the Vesica Institute.

See our current stock of these imported BioGeometry Tools, available for order HERE

Please note that for students in our BioGeometry courses, more advanced tools become available as part of the advanced trainings which are not available to general public.


All of the BioGeometry books below are available directly from using the links below.

Dr. Karim’s first book, which provides an important overview of BioGeometry and its development, is Back to a Future for Mankind: BioGeometry

Dr. Karim’s second book discusses and makes available to the public many of the BioSignatures which Dr. Karim developed for balancing the human energy field, BioGeometry Signatures: Harmonizing the Body’s Subtle Energy Exchange with the Environment.

Dr. Karim’s daughter, BioGeometry instructor Doreya Karim has also created a book of healing mandalas based on BioSignatures. These can be colored in, or traced, or simply focused on for energy balancing effects. This book is titled BioGeometry Signatures Mandalas Coloring Book.

Dr. Karim will be releasing his third book before the end of 2022, which is his Magnum Opus on the energy science behind BioGeometry. It will be titled The Physics of Quality.

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Episode 18 – Sacred Geometry of Relationships

Date of debut on Gaia: Monday, September 12
Description and Further Resources Coming Soon

Please note: Dr. Gilbert personally scripted, presented, and created a complete visual storyboard for every episode in this series.  
However he was not involved in editing or most graphics production for this series.
Please bear in mind that some aspects of this series, particularly some graphics, may differ from Dr. Gilbert’s original vision.

Also please be aware that the original intended sequence of episodes was for the final episode to be BioGeometry: Creating the New Golden Age. This episode is intended to be the conclusion of the series, showing how BioGeometry is the modern energy science which teaches us how to practically apply Sacred Geometry for a wide range of beneficial purposes.  
It was decided by Gaia to change the sequence so that the final episode is now Sacred Geometry of Relationships.